PRP Microneedling Facial

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) which is micro-needled into the skin, can naturally increase collagen and elastin which helps with fat pad regeneration, improves scars, decreases laxity, and improves fine lines & wrinkles by directly placing growth and healing factors into the skin. This procedure is safe and natural because you are using your own blood. This procedure can literally benefit any type of skin.

It is recommended to get a series of 3 PRP facials 30-45 days apart to appreciate optimal results. Maximum results take 90 days.

Appointments last 60 minutes
There is about a day of redness

The process involves using a topical numbing cream on your face. I then draw your blood with a small needle and spin it down to get the PRP from the whole blood. I microneedle your face in sections and topically apply the PRP to the deep skin layers where the growth factors and collagen start to do their magic!

Pricing: 1 PRP facial= $500 OR 3 for $1300